Quote: Viking Vengeance "You can't escape the fact that Salford cynically kept promising a beautiful, futuristic looking stadium with a 20k+ capacity and an iconic design. It was done to ensure that during a couple of rounds of franchising they were awarded a licence at the expense of other teams. A lot of fans of those teams will have little sympathy for Salford.
To focus on the facility itself, what was actually built is a dreadful stadium which looks like a slightly more expensive version of South Leeds Stadium - it would be an embarrassment as a home to the English RFL / national side.'"
What makes the SCS any worse than Halton?
The SCS has 2 problems, the car park and the fact that they put seats on the sides and standing on the ends. Should have been like Haliwell Jones, with 1 side seating, 1 side standing, 1 end seating and 1 end (the away end) standing.