@ABCLeagueCoach - Daniel Anderson
@alecat21 - Scott Moore
@Chrisirvine - Chris Irvine
@Fozzythebear1 - Nick Fozzard
@gareththomas14 - Gareth Thomas
@georgeyboy - George Riley
@jamiefoster22 - Jamie Foster
@Joey7Barton - Joey Barton (Saints fan)
@JonWilkin2012 - Jon Wilkin
@kidceezar - Sia Soliola
@LeagueFreak - League Freak
@RHunterPaul - Robbie Hunter Paul
@RoyceSimmons - Fake Royce Simmons
@stuartpykesport - Stuart Pyke
@TherealSeanLong - Sean Long
@Tim_Cahill - Tim Cahill
@Vinnie_AKLien - Vinnie Anderson
@LouieMS14 - LMS
@KimKardashian - Kim Kardashian
@J_Ennis - Jessica Ennis
Should be all the relevant ones I reckon