Quote: Bullseye "In the meantime the NHS gets overrun. Great plan. If you allow it to rip through the population unchecked it will kill people unnecessarily. '"
The new Omicron variant produces much less severe symptoms including many people with the virus but no symptoms at all.
South Africa are more advanced with Omicron as it apparently started there after the delta variant mutated .
Their scientists are optomistic as their case numbers and hospitalisations go on the slide, that this year will see the end of Covid for them
The more optimistic note after two years of the global pandemic was echoed by the head of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who said on Linkedin that the world had the “tools to end this calamity”.
“[iAfter two years, we now know this virus well[/i,” he wrote. “[iWe know the proven measures to control transmissionthe opportunity to turn this pandemic around for good is in our grasp[/i.”
And hopefully a full season of RL with crowds back is in our grasp