I dread to think what it was like earlier straight after the game in Piccadilly.
We decided we were going to get the 20:13. After queing at Burger king and waiting 10 minutes to be told it will be another 10 minutes, I asked for my money back. Within seconds my food was there. (I should never have eaten it) I don't know why I bothered making a dash to the platform as when I got there, i was only met by every other man and his dog trying to get to the platform.
After been told to go to platform 3, the train arrived and half the platform didn't get on. People were making abusive gestures at others who felt those inside the carriages could move down alittle, and it didn't look long until something would kick off, and I at least 3 women crying.
I went up the escalators on platform 3 to cut through the mayhem on the stairs at platform 13/14. When I arrived, it was quiet. By the time the train came at 21:13, it was abit unsavory. Police had to jump in more than once, people were taking cheap shots and more women were crying. Most of them were going to Stalybridge and didn't know why it was so busy.
Oh, and lastly, I've been throwing up all day due to that Burger. It was either that or not been able to move for 1 hour on a stupidly hot train that made me worse for wear.
I think I will jump on a skateboard next time