What's the deal with your obsession as to where I'm from and where I live Jonesy? And what relevance does it have?
Thanks for the link to the stats on AFL attendances which exceed those of the NRL even though you are not interested in them and have no interest whatsoever in the AFL. And why should you when everything in the NRL garden is rosy and not up for critique or discussion in Jonesy's world, just keep munching on those TV ratings instead, eh?
I've been to the Caxton before though it's generally attended by the sort of dinky die, true blue drunken meatheaded Ocker types who appear to have all undergone a full-frontal lobotomy whilst dribbling phrases like erm... "MAAAAYYTTTE? <burp, dribble, vomit>, "QUEEEENSLAAANNNNDER!!" or "GOOOOO THE BLEEEEUUUUWWWWSS!!". Are they real Australians representative of Australia? Cripes, I hope not. Prefer the Lord Alfred at the top of Caxton St anyhow... the clientele are marginally less brain-dead in there, less inclined to chuck beer around and are capable of engaging in occasional, albeit limited conversations. They wouldn't know what to do with a critique of Australian League if they were presented with one anyway.
ORIGIN (of the species) - the only time so-called league fans get off their @rses in huge numbers to attend a game - bandwagoners most of them turning up to an event which gets saturation media coverage. Any passion emitted by the braindead attendees is not for the game of rugby league itself but for the ockertunity (good word that, I just made it up) to...
1. Behave like an Ocker.
2. Get ratd (that goes without saying).
3. Indulge in the annual state against state rivalry shamfest.
The rest can sit in front of the TV and belch about the ratings being good.
PS: Too late to modify your post