You see, the thing with Leaguefan is that for some bizarre reason, he seems to believe what he posts is the truth. It's such a damn shame really, I almost feel sorry for the guy but then the feeling goes away after a couple of nano seconds. You can just imagine him to reside in a dark, dank attic room full of kleenex boxes that are used everytime he "catches someone".
The funny thing is, all you have to do is talk about how garbage the match officials are in RL and he sees his big style. It's comedy gold, you could just image him stomping on his floor in disgust.
The thing what is also sad is, he seems to believe he is a WUM, but he doesn't even come close to the likes of Agent Provocateur for quality wind ups. He seems to be in the same column as PHIPPS for just basically not having a clue what he is talking about, plus the obsession with match officials is extremely unhealthy in the extreme. I'm wondering if he has a laminated photograph of Stuart Cummings next to his bed, you know, one of the "easy wipe" photos.