Fighting a losing battle there Smokey. What are soldiers trained to do? What, ignoring your usual mealy mouthed sophistry, is their main, base, purpose? What are the rifles, the bullets, the grenades, the rocket launchers, the tanks etc etc etc all for when it all comes down to it?
Whether I, an anonymous messageboard avatar posts, for poetic license or for my own amusement post some words that you have never heard your soldier friends (yeah right, YOU have friends) use, proves nothing. But then on these boards nothing much proves anything. It's all abuse (from you
HOWEVER, for all i know you COULD be king Ferdinand of Spain. It's unlikely though. There are hundreds of thousands of soldiers and ex-soldiers. There is only one King Ferdinand and although I am no Royalist, I am CERTAIN he is not as thick, as bittchy or as, frankly, unfunny as you are.