By crikey, this was a long thread!
How unfortunate to read certain insinuations from my colleagues at LE. Rather petty. Hope there are no grudges there for whatever reason.
For what it's worth, I feel both LE and League Weekly get a rather hard time from certain people on this forum. I think rugby league fans should count themselves lucky to have not one but two newspapers fully-dedicated to rugby league, whatever their limitations.
All I'll say is I hope people judge both products on their current state and what they currently offer, and not buying a particular one on old prejudices or reputations.
Can I also, finally, just cover one point that I've heard raised - that both papers are 'Yorkshire-biased'. I can say, at least in League Weekly's case, that such an assertion is absolute piffle, which you can gather from looking at our staff / regular contributors... I'm from Wigan myself, my editor Rebecca Smith is from Blackpool, Ray French, as you MAY have heard (although he doesn't mention it often) is from St Helens and has Widnes leanings also. Andy Wilson is another Lancastrian. Ian Millward is coach of Leigh, in Lancashire. Compare that to our Yorkshiremen... Danny Lockwood, Nosey Parker and our excellent new amateur reporter Ryan Sparks. So there!