I happen to like 1970's theme parks, rickerty old wooden roller coasters an all ( I like Yorkshire too)
Hellbulls right, get a grip and grow up. Our organisation has done more good for disabled rugby league supporters more than you'll ever know (or probably care to find out).
Shall I tell you how it used to be in the "good ol days?" At the Boulevard if you were disabled you had to park your car on the pitch behind the sticks and it was a bonus if a conversion landed on your bonnet, we've come a hell of a long way since then.
We want equality, not special treatment. I need a seat with leg room not the best seats in the house, I need a parking space close to the ground, not the chairmans parking space, I need a lift to get my wheelchair upto my seat, not someone to operate the lift for me. Why do I need to pay a special price to see my team?
Lee makes a great point, you obviously pay a lot of money to come and watch Salford which is applauded so why the whinging of the extra?
I think you have the gripe here with Salford and not with the RLDSA which you claim.