Just had a nosey at [url=http://manly-daily.whereilive.com.au/sport/story/ox-tipped-to-tame-rhinos/this[/url and spotted this quote:
Quote Menzies explained he only had two of the now out-of-production headgears to get him through his final season. He has been a constant visitor to the team hotel in Leeds along with ex Sea Eagle stars Michael Monaghan, Chris Hicks, and Monday’s Leeds opponents, Scott Donald and Kylie Leuluai. The physical appearance of Monaghan and Hicks surprised the Manly side. Since being out of Des Hasler’s bone and muscle regime, their loss of upper body strength is most evident. '"
Anybody noted any loss of 'size' on these two? Any lack of strength in their play? I remember last year when Hicks took Bennett (was it?) against Saints on his own, it was an awesome show of strength, I hope it's just a loss of size and not actual strength.
Anybody picked up on this?