Quote M@islebugs="M@islebugs"I agree but as TT infers it is the role of management and directors to market the club and an association with it to the 'right' people.
I'm not suggesting it's a level playing but rather feel the debate should be more focussed on the reasons a club with all the advantages of the Bulls should be disadvantaged by the situation Adey has previously outlined rather than being able to benefit from it. There's another Andy Wilson piece in The Guardian basically asking how a club like ours can languish in the manner it is doing when to all intents and purposes it is as big a club as Leeds. I think it's time to look past the coach and salary cap and face up to the fact that the Bulls are a failing organisation because of fundamental issues in its boardroom and shareholding.'"
I missed the Andy Wilson story (just had another quick look but it's not in today's), sad to say I don't expect any RL so tend to skim through the sports pages in seconds.
In fairness, I'm not sure what all the "advantages" the Bulls have had are, other than being fairly successful over (relatively) recent times. It boils down to the fact that you need either a very healthy, profit making business or a rich benefactor to take advantage of things like image rights and, given that there really isn't much money to be made from RL, it seems we are talking about a very wealthy fan rather than someone looking for a business opportunity, unless they want something to set against tax, of course. Peter Hood has said publicly that he would give up the chairmanship if someone else would come in and put some money into the business, and so far as we know, we've had one offer, from someone who clearly didn't have any real interest in Bradford Bulls as a rugby league team.
I've come to the conclusion that this person just isn't there. I feel pretty sure that anyone with even the vaguest interest in the club will be aware of the position and, as yet, we're still waiting. Fair enough, maybe the board really haven't tried hard enough, I'm not in a position to say, but you can't get blood from a stone.
I agree that the way shares are held isn't helping the club. Having the biggest shareholder 'estranged' from the club is far from ideal (though rumours suggest things are a little better), but if he, or any other of the old guard, doesn't wish to sell (assuming someone else is in a position to buy) I'm not sure what can be done. I definitely feel a few new, younger board members wouldn't go amiss.
All that said, we are discussing sport, with all its ups, downs, trials and tribulations. I've seen the club, both in better times and infinitely worse, so I'm not going to jump around waving my arms about with both knees jerking over the current circumstances. Sport by its nature is cyclical and different teams come to the fore and then fade away as another takes its place in the sun. C'est la vie.