Mat - Your first comment about 'all of whose posts are of a negative nature' - I think you'll find that I am one of the most positive Bulls' fans going.
"There were 3 massive lifts today at Odsal - the win, the pledging and the buzz about Harry's new era.
What's negative about that???!!!
I have never denounced my team to anyone, nor booed or complained, and I think you must be reading something that I'm not! This coming season has the potential to be the best one yet in terms of support and developing our youngsters. It's all loooking fantastic.
As to being a 'new poster', yep suppose I am, but let me assure you that I've been going to Odsal since 1983 and have been to almost every game, home and away (besides Catalans this and last year), ever since, so I'm not a whinging stay-away stirring it.
Langers was talking off the record in the way he said it I suppose, but it is interesting that a senior member of the squad does not necessarily believe he will / should return. Definitely think that is worth sharing on a forum. If you don't ... ah well.