Job done, really, so what i'll just say is it took me back many years, did that, to days when the Northern regularly went on tour in 't Cup to places like Dewsbury, Barrow, Whitehaven, Rochdale and other small tight 'community' grounds, where you are almost on the pitch; and where the few fans do really love their League. It's sad in some ways that you also saw why a club like Dewsbury could just never be a SL club, the gulf is just immense, but I hope clubs like them go on forever, it's what the game is all about. Brilliant day out, and also despite being under sever pressure and comprehensively beat, what about the resolve in the Dewsbury defence in the second half? Especially after the pounding they'd taken first half? Just superb.
My only gripe - we kicked for touch and it was deffo my ball to catch, I shouted for it, but the guy 2 seats to my left reached up and knocked on, the basstard.
Oh, and just how fat was that pot bellied in-goal judge?