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Hi tvoc - where I mention Fa'afili is that someone of that experience will feature massively in your pre-season plans, so when, as you rightly say, they never even get to play for you, that has a big impact on your team and your season. I don't ever believe in 'no excuses' (though I do think excuses only get you so far), and at a Club like London which struggles to be self-sustaining due to lack of interest in the area, financial backing is massively important to the formation of a decent team.

I think that the success over the last 8 years has shown the desire of the management to build and maintain a competitive, winning team, so when I say I'm not concerned, this is because I believe they will get it right in time for us to be better next year (at the latest).

I beg your pardon saying we lost against Wigan at home last year, of course we drew, but this only assists my point further. I agree that McGuire's try may not have determined the outcome of the away game, but I think you appreciate what I'm saying, which is that the performances were a lot better than the stats you selected show. If we hadn't won the League last year I would probably give more credit to the 6/43 games that you are quoting, but I still don't think you are fair to use these six games only. You also say we avoided a Wigan in the play-offs last year, but are using Warrington, whom we played and beat, as one of the three teams we need to be using as a benchmark. We also beat your other benchmark team, St Helens, in the Final. You're also discussing the Maguire era, with one of those years being played under McClennan not McDermott, which points the finger at the players more than Mac.

Like I say, I think the last 8 years has shown the desire of the Club to win, so I don't worry about inaction. I also have to ask how you KNOW that the players don't understand and follow McDermott.

Ferdy - I don't think I suggest at any point that we should wait until a player is 20 to play him regularly (I certainly don't disagree with Stevie Ward getting a few games!), sorry if I've given that impression. If you read through my earlier posts my focus has been on being mentally and physically ready, and like you I think this varies from player to player.

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:fonds noir/Buzz Lightyear.gif

I'm pretty much in agreement with Ferdy - I went off a bit too quick against BM last season, so am a bit wary of having too much of a go this year.

The problems within the club - and nobody can say a 50 point loss at home with a close to full-strength team followed by a just as p*ss poor first half performance the next game aren't suggestive of BIG problems - are a combination of coach and players. No matter how much people might want to make big changes to the squad quickly, its very hard to do, likely to be counterproductive in terms of whatever team spirit exists, and to be frank the lists of players on other threads are hardly inspiring anyway.

That leaves the coach. BM has to either really stamp his authority on the team or go. IMO he'll be given to the end of the year to oversee a miraculous turnaround, but if it doesn't happen won't be here next year.

Regardless of whoever the coach is, its clear that the attitude of some players needs to change. Losing by 50 at home to anybody is simply unacceptable unless you have almost your entire first team out. I'd be more impressed with the players' attitude if they actually DIDN'T say anything to the press - the whole "we know we didn't perform, we're working hard in training, we have the ability to sort it out" mantra is pathetic TBH seeing how they've been saying it for half the season and seem if anything to be getting worse not better.

GH agrees IMO - just as he was obviously upset by the CC loss to the Wire. If I were betting, I'd go for CC semi exit and failure in the play-offs, followed by BM's departure and one or two biggish name signings for next year to placate the masses. Possibly a good job I don't bet, as I can also convince myself the exact opposite is possible.

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Quote: BrisbaneRhino "I'm pretty much in agreement with Ferdy - I went off a bit too quick against BM last season, so am a bit wary of having too much of a go this year.

The problems within the club - and nobody can say a 50 point loss at home with a close to full-strength team followed by a just as p*ss poor first half performance the next game aren't suggestive of BIG problems - are a combination of coach and players. No matter how much people might want to make big changes to the squad quickly, its very hard to do, likely to be counterproductive in terms of whatever team spirit exists, and to be frank the lists of players on other threads are hardly inspiring anyway.

That leaves the coach. BM has to either really stamp his authority on the team or go. IMO he'll be given to the end of the year to oversee a miraculous turnaround, but if it doesn't happen won't be here next year.

Regardless of whoever the coach is, its clear that the attitude of some players needs to change. Losing by 50 at home to anybody is simply unacceptable unless you have almost your entire first team out. I'd be more impressed with the players' attitude if they actually DIDN'T say anything to the press - the whole "we know we didn't perform, we're working hard in training, we have the ability to sort it out" mantra is pathetic TBH seeing how they've been saying it for half the season and seem if anything to be getting worse not better.

GH agrees IMO - just as he was obviously upset by the CC loss to the Wire. If I were betting, I'd go for CC semi exit and failure in the play-offs, followed by BM's departure and one or two biggish name signings for next year to placate the masses. Possibly a good job I don't bet, as I can also convince myself the exact opposite is possible.'"

The problem with the "biggish name signings" is that by then (yet again) it will be too late. Still, it gives GH an excuse for the customary all expenses paid trip down under. icon_lol.gif

International Star24No
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Hi BrisbaneRhino - you make some really good points, and I agree for the most part. It probably won't come as a surprise to you though if I say that I think it would be a real shame if McDermott was to leave at the end of the year, and would hope that with the support GH gave him last week, that that won't happen. I think we've seen it a lot in football where management thinks that sacking the coach is a quick-fix, but often the teams that have done this fly through coaches and end up shelling out huge sums of money because they haven't really addressed the problem, and of course St Helens will have now had three different coaches in as many years and they only sit fourth in the table, four points ahead of us, who have a game in hand. They're already out of the Challenge Cup so unless they win the Grand Final, I can't see how they will be any better off than us by the end of the year whether we win or lose the League.

Wigan clearly was exceptionally poor as was our start at Warrington, but I thought the last 50 minutes was a step in the right direction. I said in an earlier post that I think the problem with some of the lads is more desperation than just having a bad attitude (I know you don't say they have a bad attitude), and I'm sure that if we can build on that last 50 at Warrington and play well on Monday and then again against Cas, that will slowly start to go away. I don't think we need any huge changes to the squad (when I say that, I mean that I think the likes of Sinfield, Peacock, McGuire, Burrow, etc will come good for us), but I would like to see us sign a Buderus-type person - I think that would lift everybody; in the changing room, on the field and in the stands.

I totally agree with you about the players speaking after the game - I don't mind if you train badly in the week, just perform come game time!! I think the Challenge Cup semi will be a real test of their mettle and we can't doubt how much they want to finally win that trophy, but it will again come down to whether we play with desperation or composure! I would also really hope that we don't just sign big names to placate the masses - whenever anyone says that the names "Bradley Clyde" and "Brett Mullins" pop into my head!!

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Quote: rhinowinorlose " I would also really hope that we don't just sign big names to placate the masses - whenever anyone says that the names "Bradley Clyde" and "Brett Mullins" pop into my head!!'"

That's really spooky! Whenever someone says Brian McDermott....rlTHISrl pops into my head!!

International Board Member22289
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Quote: rhinowinorlose "Hi tvoc - where I mention Fa'afili is that someone of that experience will feature massively in your pre-season plans, so when, as you rightly say, they never even get to play for you, that has a big impact on your team and your season. I don't ever believe in 'no excuses' (though I do think excuses only get you so far), and at a Club like London which struggles to be self-sustaining due to lack of interest in the area, financial backing is massively important to the formation of a decent team. '"

Yes because who plays on the wing is of absolute paramount importance to the functioning of the team. People can talk about the neccessity of having a quality spine - full-back, half-back, hooker and an awesome foursome to carry you forward until the cows come home but without a good winger to score a few tries they are pretty much pointless.

I entirely take your observation that investment is vital but do you take mine that so too is good coaching to get the maximum out of whatever you are given to work with? The uncomfortable fact remains that London's league position worsened under four and a bit seasons with McDermott as he took them from a mid-table challenger to play-off qualifing no hopers. There was a time when coaches built their reputations on leaving a club in a better position than when they joined it. Not neccessarily in terms of trophies (not every team/coach is in that position), it could be in terms of structure, professionalism, performance etc. Perhaps McDermott did that it's not always easy to tell but sport tends to be viewed from the outside as a results based industry.

If McDermott found himself on the job market tomorrow I doubt there'd be a queue forming to enlist his services. I could be wrong but it would be interesting to find out.

Quote: rhinowinorlose "I think that the success over the last 8 years has shown the desire of the management to build and maintain a competitive, winning team, so when I say I'm not concerned, this is because I believe they will get it right in time for us to be better next year (at the latest).'"

I admire your blind faith but what evidence have you seen that the club has recognised the problems and are currently addressing the needs? Is it the extension of Carl Ablett's existing contract beyond doomsday?

Quote: rhinowinorlose "I beg your pardon saying we lost against Wigan at home last year, of course we drew, but this only assists my point further. I agree that McGuire's try may not have determined the outcome of the away game, but I think you appreciate what I'm saying, which is that the performances were a lot better than the stats you selected show.'"

The stats are an overview. They show Leeds becoming less competitive against the teams they need to be competitive against. They show in McClennan's final season Leeds still winning in 50% of the regular round encounters V such opponents. That's no longer the case, not even close to being the case.

Quote: rhinowinorlose "If we hadn't won the League last year I would probably give more credit to the 6/43 games that you are quoting, but I still don't think you are fair to use these six games only. '"

Leeds didn't win the league last year they finished 5th. Leeds won an end of season 'knock-out' competition to determine the Champions from a ridiculously large and in parts undeserving field of entrants. It was a great feat, totally unexpected and anyone who seriously claims any different inhabits a peculiar blue and amber tinged world, IMO. But these things occassionally happen in sport - without being too specific - the rub of the green, the bounce of the ball, an intercept just after half-time, a missed tackle, a contentious referee's decision, a team not handling the pressure of being overwhelming favourites even with home advantage against a team they'd humbled twice in the regular rounds etc. It's a great concept .... it's sport ..... it happens ... now and again. It's unlikely to ever become a formula that will work year after year though.

6 of 43 ?

I presume the 43 is made up of last season and this' SL Regular Rounds to date?

Have Leeds not played Warrington, Wigan and St Helens home and away in both 2011 and 2012 now. While 12 of 43 is a 28% size sample when including all SL opponents it's realistically a 95% + sample of the teams Leeds will need to be competitive against when the trophies are being handed out.

Quote: rhinowinorlose "You also say we avoided a Wigan in the play-offs last year, but are using Warrington, whom we played and beat, as one of the three teams we need to be using as a benchmark. We also beat your other benchmark team, St Helens, in the Final.'"

Leeds (thanks to agent St Helens) did avoid the team they were unable to beat in three meetings last season. Leeds did avoid the team in the play-offs they have never beaten in a 1st grade final. Leeds did avoid a team who McDermott has thus far never coached a Leeds side to beat, (although somewhat ironically he found himself in the winner's circle quite often when London/Harlequins played them.) Perhaps they will get a 'lucky' draw again this year, fingers crossed eh. I imagine that technique has made it's way in to the Leeds CEO's manual by now.

Quote: rhinowinorlose "You're also discussing the Maguire era, with one of those years being played under McClennan not McDermott, which points the finger at the players more than Mac.'"

Not sure I follow your logic as it's a similar squad of players under different coaches.

Leeds with McClennan managed to beat Wigan even in 2010 after Maguire had arrived. McClennan left Leeds with a 50% record V the cherry and white mob and an average result of 19-19. Leeds with McDermott have taken 1 point from a possible 10 (10%) and an average result of 16-29 by comparison.

By way of historical comparison

I don't I only get to observe how they perform on some match-days and compare that level to what they are capable of when they switch on. Coaching is a combination of player development and man management. The players have to want to follow the leaders. They know when they are being short-changed and I imagine so do some of the fans.

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[quote:1pqtnbtj]Every player in our squad could probably earn more money with another club. But they prefer to sacrifice a few extra quid in their back pocket to share special memories. And playing at a place like Old Trafford on a night like this makes it all worthwhile.[/quote:1pqtnbtj] Kevin Sinfield:982.jpg

TVOC, when did Wigan become the yard stick? Leeds have contested 13 domestic finals under the coaches you have listed. They've only played Wigan in two of those finals (lost them both) but have beaten Wigan many times to reach the other 11.

International Star24No
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Hi tvoc - you and I are just never going to agree! I think you're being a bit too dismissive of my comments re Fa'afili, who could play centre and wing, offering some versatility and great experience which could be passed to his colleagues. I agree with you that of course the spine is important but I would never say players such as Keith Senior didn't make a tremendous difference to our team because he didn't form part of the spine; what made Keith a quality player was not just his ability to score a few tries, but his experience and physicality, which is enormously important as both support to his senior teammates and as an example to younger players. Fa'afili was just one example of players that didn't play or left - another example is Henry Paul, who was never replaced, again a player with great experience who could lead a team.

I agree with you that a good coach should get the most of the players he has, but who's to say that McDermott didn't? Myself and other posters have talked a lot about attitude within this thread, and I've already mentioned that London is a Club which in recent years has primarily attracted players who just want to play rugby (this doesn't inspire anyone to play for pride in the shirt they're wearing). A standard contract is 2-3 years, and with lack of financial investment it is difficult to let a problem player (or players) go before his contract ends, so in most cases you just have to sit it out and do your best.

I don't think for a second that I have "blind faith" in the management - again, we've 8 years worth of primarily incredible memories which I use as evidence of their desire to win (unless you would suggest that this was all just luck?) I don't need to see any headlines to know, off the back of this obvious desire to be successful, that it will be being worked on behind the scenes, but of course, GH's acknowledgement of the disappointing results last week was a nice to have. We seem to be two sides of a coin on this - me with my faithful view, you with a cynical one. (And I think it's a rather too early to be using the word "doomsday"icon_wink.gif.

For me, the season is all about the Grand Final, and I think if you ask any player (perhaps particularly a Warrington player) whether or not they want to finish top or win the Grand Final, they'll all say they want to win the Grand Final. If you ask them how long the season runs, they'll say until October, not until September. All those elements you discuss, "rub of the green", "bounce of the ball", "a contentious referee", a team bowing to pressure by being overwhelming favourites happen week in, week out, and thus effect your League standing. We did not play well for the majority of the season last year, I make no mistake about that, but we reached the Grand Final and won because we were the better team against everyone we played. If we'd played like that all the way through the season, we would have finished a lot higher; we proved that the potential was always there.

Apologies again, my maths was wrong there. We might have avoided Wigan in the run up to the Final, but obviously we did not avoid them in the Cup. While the first 15 minutes of that game was really poor, the remaining 65 was brilliant, and we undoubtedly outplayed them. We could have beaten Wigan that day, but getting out of the starting blocks late as we did proved to be costly, and I don't think you could blame Mac for that. I suppose my answer here is that we could have beaten them, in a 1st grade final, for the first time under Brian McDermott.

You specifically mentioned that we'd only beaten Wigan twice in ten games since Michael Maguire arrived at Wigan, and so I was pointing out that 1 of the last 2.5 years was under Brian McClennan, and like I say, this suggests something in the players mentality. While I appreciate one draw from five games is not what we might have hoped for, you're comparing a man who's had the job 18 months to Tony Smith who had 4 years and Brian McClennan who had 3 years, and these stats don't take into account injuries to either our team or Wigan's, which of course effect the game. Incidentally, under Graham Murray we lost the 1998 Grand Final, which I would gladly have swapped for the in-season wins.

You say the players know when they are being short-changed. In the last 18 months, under Mac, Kevin Sinfield (Feb 11), Carl Ablett (May 12), Kylie Leuluai (May 12), Zak Hardaker (May 12), Jamie Peacock (March 12), Brett Delaney (Feb 12), Kallum Watkins (Jan 12), Ryan Hall (Jan 12), Chris Clarkson (Dec 11), Jamie Jones-Buchanan (Dec 11), and Ian Kirke (July 11) have all signed contract extensions, which tells me that they don't believe they are being short-changed by either the Club or McDermott. I agree, we know what they are capable of, but it's not like we haven't seen them switch on under Mac.

Again I just don't think we're ever going to agree!

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"The Golden Generation finally has its Golden Fleece! They have Wembley Cup Final winners medals to add to their collection." 23/08/2014:

To be fair just using a Wigan comparsion over a large period of time isn't too fair, McDermott isn't exactly facing the Wigan of 2005-2006.

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Don't worry about avoiding temptation. As you grow older, it will avoid you! - Winston Churchill:d7dc4b20b2c2dd7b76ac6eac29d5604e_40515.jpg

Well said 'rhinoswinorlose'! You make some good and fair points.

There is nothing wrong with constructive criticism but much of the stuff on here is just negative and a repeat of the comments made last year by the usual suspects. I defended Brian Mac last season (and was also called Brian) and cannot believe after what he achieved last season and the WCC this season that the knives are out once again. I suspect some posters having been proved so wrong last season are banking on history not repeating itself and feel safe in having a go again just to say they were right all along.

Yes we have been dissappointing again against the SL leaders but the ageing stars are another year older. Having produced the goods at the business end last year and again for the WCC this year it is perfectly understandable that the coach would keep faith with this outstanding squad for a little longer. To suggest we drop our proven quality stars of the team and replace them with unproven (at SL level) en mass, because they have suffered a drop in form is not the way to manage a professional sports team.

Yes we should now give the youngsters some experience but in a controlled way with consideration to their future careers. And yes we should be looking to recruit in certann key positions as part of a succession policy.

Finally we should all remember that despite our recent tremendous success, it is not a God given right to win every match. There are now some excellent other sides around who have taken up the batten. I still believe that this side has another last hurrah in it.

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Quote: G1 "TVOC, when did Wigan become the yard stick?'"

Which other team would you like to suggest instead? What is Leeds' overall SL record against that club? Do you expect McDermott's Leeds to feature significantly higher on such a list than they do V the example I chose to highlight?

As coach McDermott's SL Regular Round record at Leeds places him nestled between Dean Bell and Dean Lance (although with the benefit of some 'lucky' cup draws he moves up to around the Daryl Powell mark when including all comps) I wouldn't expect a big improvement but who knows.

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[quote:1pqtnbtj]Every player in our squad could probably earn more money with another club. But they prefer to sacrifice a few extra quid in their back pocket to share special memories. And playing at a place like Old Trafford on a night like this makes it all worthwhile.[/quote:1pqtnbtj] Kevin Sinfield:982.jpg

Quote: tvoc "Which other team would you like to suggest instead? '"
How about a team that has won 5 of the lst 8 championships? Why shouldn't other clubs measure themselves against that?

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Quote: Juan Cornetto " There are now some excellent other sides around who have taken up the batten.'"


Player Coach3224
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Some of us already know this..... icon_cool.gif

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