I like many others over the last few seasons have become bored watching Rugby League in general and Leeds Rhinos in particular.
Now I admit I am getting old and in my late 50s, but I have played the game, have watched Leeds from the age of 5 and I have had a season ticket for years, which I gave up about 5 years ago, and went to picking my matches, to lately watching the game on Sky only, to now not even being bothered with that.
Having followed Leeds over 50 years I have had great times and low points, however especially in the former years lots of fun and excitement.
In my view the falling gates are due to the game being boring!!! and the high gate fee, we have followed the Aussies at everything, our game has always been built on flair, and local rivalry. A game played by men and watched by men. Exciting and affordable.
We now seem to be more bothered about what is said on the field, how inclusive we are, how we are going to expand.
The first thing the game needs to do is to get back on track, lets get back to local derby's played in the Rugby League heartlands, Featherstone Leigh, Hunslet, Whitehaven, Halifax etc, places you can drive to in an hour. Get rid of London, Wales, Catalan !!!!
Get rid of all the idiots of the PC school at the top, promote individual talent and get the excitement back.
Oh and last but not least, make the game semi professional, so we can reduce the price at the gate and run the game without dancing to the Sky tune !!!