The one of the newspaper shop in Seacroft around '77 or '78, you can see the shop is propped up as the row to the left of it has been demolished, not sure of its location but the company I worked for were involved in the construction of the housing estate around Seacroft Green, yes all of those horrible 1970s rabbit hutch houses were worked upon by yours truly at around that time. I do recall that most of the area had been cleared but some very old houses were left standing, one old stone built house was used as the site office before being refurb'd so I can only imagine that the shop was a private property with council owned property to the left, if it was left standing then presumably its still there ?
Around that time from 74 to 84 I was a surveyor and personally measured thousands of new builds and refurbs in Leeds and Newcastle, nearly all of them being local authority or private housing association houses available for what is now called "affordable rents" - where did that investment in housing stock come from and why don't we have the ingenuity or political will to do the same thing today ?