Whilst we're on capital letters...
This is going to alienate some on here but it annoys me when people ignore capitals in usernames/screen names. Which is obviously creeping in more with forums/twitter etc.
Twitter is particularly bad for it. Every time I see @rickygervais it annoys me. Why didn't he set it up as @RickyGervais. Likewise @stephenfry. More people should be like @DaveGorman.
And whilst we're on twitter (hopefully folks that use twitter will hopefully agree with this!), hashtags aren't allowed to have spaces, which is fine. But when people use hashtags that have multiple words in, I'd really like it if they used a capital at the start of each word. Not strictly grammatically correct but it makes it a lot easier to read. For example #RugbyLeague rather than #rugbyleague. Especially so when they start getting longer. Clare Balding (who AGAIN... is @clarebalding1, what's wrong with @ClareBalding1!!) is currently complaining about female representaion at the SPOTY Awards, and using the hashtag #womeninsport which would be much easier to read if she wrote #WomenInSport
On the forum display names etc. As you can see, I'm Remarkable_Rhinos. We also have LeedsBornWelshRoots, which is a prime example of how I'd like it to be!
leicester_rhino.... you should be ashamed of yourself. For a start... it's your user
name, and names have capitals. Secondly... Leicester is a place so leiceter_rhino is wrong on two counts. Hang your head in shame!!!