Leeds have been average this season, we are second which is a top result however we are just not putting it together.
Anyone who can take any positives out of the game tonight is a true believist, Bradford are an average side who we made look good.
We are short of a centre Watkins is good but he is just getting beaten up and gibson will never make it IMHO.
We do not look like a team with a plan and Bluey can talk all the platitudes he wants, we are not putting it together.
We look unstructured and vulnerable Worincey who is average cut us apart and Ablett was clearly in schoolboy land, you lot can make all the excuses you want but someone at HQ needs to sort the team out as they look clueless and rudderless.
you will see I don't post often and no doubt I will get slagged off for that but i will tell you what we are crap at the moment and somebody up there needs to sort it out with some quality class players who will give our youngsters time to breathe.