Is it just me that is extremely concerned about the future of the club? First and foremost because the ground (which has been discussed in detail since 2003) is still no closer to having been built despite two petitions to the council, three official architects being announced, three potential buyers of the new ground falling through. We have been constantly asked for our support which we are all willing to give, but the fact remains there is only so much we can do. I hope those of you who bought bricks kept your receipt.
I am getting a feeling that it is 1996 all over again where they tried and failed to force us, Wakefield and Featherstone to merge. I get a feeling 15 years on they will try again, albeit when the next franchise comes up, it will be neither of you will get in unless you ground share. I hope I am wrong, but I am starting to get very worried.
This will in turn lead to the whole 'the area can only sustain one team' argument and they will try and merge our squads again. I am pleased with the blooding of youngsters from our own ranks and this is a major positive for us, but we need some more experienced players in key areas next season. This year I think we have too many second rowers (seven in total plus two utility 'back rowers') with no cover in the half backs or centres.
All the above gleaned from the Cas and Pont website archives, it is a joke how much bull has been spoken on this subject by the board over the years, they are simply p[aying lip service in my opinion because they know it is what people want. They do it to keep the wolf from the door, that is all.
Its time for the board to deliver, hollow promises do not work with me any more...