As Above another Big well done to the lads that played last night from a Huddersfield fan, the young kid Thompson is gonna make a very good fullback and suggest you give him some game time and sign him up long term (if he isn't already).
Why play McGoldrick at fullback if you have a kid like that who can take a high ball under pressure, tackle big forwards and chime into the line at the right time.
I think when alot of cas fans saw the team they thought you were in for a right hammering as would a few of the Huddersfield fans, you came with a gameplan and stuck to it so despite the nil it's a big well done from me and playing like that against alot of teams you would have won the game on another night.
Well done TM as well for making a stand, maybe the Cas players will start to realise that unless they buckle down and do the job they are paid for others will come in who do want to play and give their all for the shirt.
Good luck for the rest of the season cos it can only get better on the injury side of things