Maff old mate i didnt resurect the thread Bonzo did, i did ask why after 4 days he had, and he has stated that it had been 4 days since his last visit, no problem with that none at all. he did go on to state that some mods "cant be d" in his original post, i then asked a perfectly logical question if they "cant be d" why do it, why not pack in being a mod and let someone who can be d do it. where in that have you concluded i have dished out verbal abuse or even picked on a mod. i think you need a cuppa old chap a sit down and stop trying to ride the hysteria train. IF and only IF you read the last few post i have directed nothing at anyone except for a few chirlish remarks aimed at me. so to recap i didnt resurect the thread only replied to another post, a new leaf i have turned no name calling infact considering my chequerd past my replies are quite tame and polite do you not think???? i havent picked on any mods! i do not force you to not come on its a forum where you air your opinions wether i or anyone else agree's or not should not make any difference to you. And finally directly aiming your post at me, you in turn are extending the thread are you not.