Me and Mrs LTD attended and I will try pick out the key points:
Modest attendance
Age dempographics of the audience was 50+ as a majority
Full board in attendance except for Ian Croad who is in hospital
Question asked about the Boards plans for the future
key driver in the answer was the funding dictating our plans
Will we go fulltime -back to funding over next couple of season but definitely not at the moment
What happened to the money from 2015 season-Chairman itemised expenditure which accounted for majority of income.Key point was we don't get all at once but in tranches over the season
Plans to sign anybody for end of season. No with current income stream
Confirmation of Luke Ambler's departure but possible return in the future.
Board will not do a 'Bradford' and are literally working from month to month on cashlfow cutting cloth according etc etc.
Happy to talk to anybody out there who can add value to the Board
There will not be another Exec.
New lease been drawn up which will be signed subject to a couple of things
Halved the stewarding costs which were running at £1500 per game.
Who dictates the signings-nobody signed without RM sign off with Ian Croad managing the budget. Only time was when we were post Karl and pre RM-board signed Salty
Plans to market the club better with new 2 Directors on board now.
Can't remember much more as I was on my third pint by then having had no tea so was getting a bit merry
Oh and I won a big box of Milk Tray for Mrs LTD in the raffle
Hope that gives you an insight. LTD