"Three Good Years" is the title of the latest novel in my Ashurst series. It is set against a background of Work, Family Life, Saving the NHS and Rugby League during the 2006, 07 and 08 seasons.
Among the chapter titles are
The Jehovah's Widnes
Minnie Cotton versus Dewsbury
Them bloody stupid pliers
The Welsh Chamber Maid
Telling Stevo about Uno's Dabs
Your mother grew up in Tiger Bay
"I follow Marlborough League"
The Church of the Everyday Saints
"I hope that Guy Fawkes is standing"
CID are now involved
This coming Saturday (November 10th) I will be in WH Smith signing copies from 10.30 onwards.
But for those who prefer to shop online visit the web site of the publisher London League Publications at
www.llpshop.co.uk. Click on books and then on fiction.