To be honest although I'll admit to a fair amount of wind up I have raised some honest points/issues re: The Shay and your finances which you either cannot answer with a sound argument, resort to insults or ignore.
For all your talk of being 'above' the football fans you don't half come out with some childish crap yourselves. There's a few examples on this thread alone. In addition you keep delighting in describing all football fans as 'Neanderthals' or foul-mouthed hooligans (there is another word which begins with L but I can't remember what it is as it's rarely used...........).
Everything that has been said simply reinforced my initial view that the reason for your support of TA was simply because it was TA. For that reason we will never see eye to eye on the issue, but I am absolutely sure that the Town fans did the right thing in lobbying the council to stop the sale going through.
Those of you saying rugby fans don't come on the football forum obviously having been reading it properly. There is Swifty who to be fair supports both clubs but is a massive sympathiser of all things rugby. Then there's Calderdalle who talks so much crap it's untrue.
Your inability to address your own club's financial issues are worrying, if only because both club's have well documented past financial problems, but that's another matter.