Captain Brain Donor drivels again (Mr. V on the wendyballers site):
The thick planks of wood.
Reactiv Media is the majority shareholder at Halifax RLFC. Halifax RLFC owe tens of thousands of pounds in rent.
Reactive Media are trying to purchase the Shay.
So I think the connection and the stink is pretty clear - especially when this so called purchase, includes what will be in effect a write off of the rent debt.
The Fax lot are just arrogant, thick planks of wood.
But we need not worry as non of this will come off. The only thing to report will be lost council seats, council officers forced to quit in disgrace and Mr Abbott known for ever as the man who tried to steel the Shay and rob the local tax payer blind.
Are Reactiv Media the club's major shareholder? I thought that they were just our main sponsor myself.