I have it on good authority, that [iGame On[/i, is likely to be 'Game Abandoned' after this season. I believe that the current publishers have had enough - probably because of club's 'tardy' payments and the struggle to get copy from contributors. Although the magazine is not published by the RFL, it is 100% their idea. I understand that there is a move, gathering momentum with the clubs, to scrap the magazine.
Incidentally, this idea was tried in SL, a few years ago, and died a death when the unfortunate publishers went bust. To be fair to the RFL, most clubs ran their own programmes at a loss, and many saw them as a chore. I'm the editor of Leigh programme, 'The Centurion', and I can vouch for how much work goes into compiling it! However, my club sees it as an essential communication tool, between themselves and the supporters.
Please buy one when you visit LSV, in a couple of weeks - and read a couple of articles (I hope!) from your fellow 'Fax fans!