Quote: Mintball "As opposed to some individual who claims that "the whole female population of the UK" is involved? What – 100% of females of these islands? Really? You did a survey?
A bit of hyperbolic overthetopness, methinks.
And obviously nothing at all like the males being held back by police from the van carrying the accused to court yesterday – oh no, sirree. That behaviour was entirely under the top, wasn't it?
A shame, because you had a couple of otherwise valid points.'"
You're big enough and oracle-like enough to be aware that "whole female population" was obviously a deliberate exaggeration. But nice of you to have one of your typical "overthetopness" holier-than-thou rants before admitting somebody has made a valid point.
The females thing was merely a reference to my facebook feed being filled with "hang this sick murderer" statuses even before he was charged of anything. P*sses me off. If it was anyone but a lil white girl they wouldn't be d.