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| That's what happens when you rely on third parties to do your marketing. He needs to get more hands-on.
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| Quote: JerryChicken "...
I'll say it again, its a rubbish master plan if he's relying on individuals like you to do his selling, why doesn't he just enter everyones life like he did yours and then we'd all buy the goods ?'"
An interesting point, the thing is, kirkstaller is that very rare thing, a man of no faith. If there was a god, with all these laws, fair play to those who believed, without ever being able to know, that would be what all this "faith" stuff is presumably all about.
However we are ourselves blessed since Kirkstaller needs no faith, as he has had a personal meeting with Jesus.
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| Hi there Cookridge
As if that's a judgement.
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| So, if we are all descended from Adam & Eve, then presumably we are all products of incestuous relationships, would that explain why there are a proportion of people born with birth defects or who later develop mental or physical problems? Given also that Adam supposedly lived for 930 years, he must've been banging his daughters and presumable their kids wholesale
It certainly doesn't explain the many different races and creeds though. How did that happen?
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| Quote: kirkstaller "The Bible is our friend. It tells us that God’s purpose was to create a world in which his glory could be manifest in all its fullness - the glory of God is the overarching goal of creation.'"
So it is all just a massive ego trip.
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| Quote: kirkstaller "icon_lol.gif
It is a judgment – a subjective opinion – on someone else's faith and religious knowledge and understanding.
You do it quite regularly, actually, with your comments about 'you and you are going to hell'.
Within the terms of your religion, it is not for you to judge the nature of another's relationship with god. Only your god has the right to do that.
Indeed, one might also point out Christ's teaching about not being seen carrying out your devotions – frankly, most of what you do on this forum is a version of that: 'Look at me – I'm the one with a relationship with Jesus; I'm the one who's right and you're all wrong and going to hell. Aren't I so completely the most wonderfully religious person you've ever seen?'
It's in Matthew somewhere – I think Jesus describes people like you as hypocrites.
It's not evangelism. It's showing off. And judgmentalism. Pure and simple.
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Quote: cod'ead "So, if we are all descended from Adam & Eve, then presumably we are all products of incestuous relationships'"
Yes, though before you lay into that concept you might want to remember that abiogenesis has a similar incestuous 'yucky' problem.
Quote: cod'ead "would that explain why there are a proportion of people born with birth defects or who later develop mental or physical problems?'"
In a way, yes. Death and disease entered the world. This includes certain handicaps.
Quote: cod'ead "Given also that Adam supposedly lived for 930 years, he must've been banging his daughters and presumable their kids wholesale'"
Not necessarily, he might have left that to his children. In any case, it's no more icky that abiogenesis.
Quote: cod'ead "It certainly doesn't explain the many different races and creeds though. How did that happen?'"
The Tower of Babel.
www.biblegateway.com/passage/?se ... ersion=NIV
Quote: cod'ead "So, if we are all descended from Adam & Eve, then presumably we are all products of incestuous relationships'"
Yes, though before you lay into that concept you might want to remember that abiogenesis has a similar incestuous 'yucky' problem.
Quote: cod'ead "would that explain why there are a proportion of people born with birth defects or who later develop mental or physical problems?'"
In a way, yes. Death and disease entered the world. This includes certain handicaps.
Quote: cod'ead "Given also that Adam supposedly lived for 930 years, he must've been banging his daughters and presumable their kids wholesale'"
Not necessarily, he might have left that to his children. In any case, it's no more icky that abiogenesis.
Quote: cod'ead "It certainly doesn't explain the many different races and creeds though. How did that happen?'"
The Tower of Babel.
www.biblegateway.com/passage/?se ... ersion=NIV
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| Quote: Mintball "It is a judgment – a subjective opinion – on someone else's faith and religious knowledge and understanding.'"
God has no problem with correcting professing Christians when they are clearly wrong.
Matthew 18You do it quite regularly, actually, with your comments about 'you and you are going to hell'.'"
They are if they are not born again. That is not my judgement, but God's Word.
Quote: Mintball "Within the terms of your religion, it is not for you to judge the nature of another's relationship with god. Only your god has the right to do that'" .
See above.
Quote: Mintball "Indeed, one might also point out Christ's teaching about not being seen carrying out your devotions – frankly, most of what you do on this forum is a version of that
I am not religious.
Quote: Mintball "It's in Matthew somewhere – I think Jesus describes people like you as hypocrites.'"
Biblically speaking, a hypocrite is a person who shows off but does not have a true relationship with God. I do have that relationship.
Quote: Mintball "It's not evangelism. It's showing off. And judgmentalism. Pure and simple.'"
You are working for Satan. Don't tempt me.
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| Quote: kirkstaller "... Death and disease entered the world ...'"
"Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made."
[iJohn 1
"For in him all things were createdColossians 1
In other words, according to the [iBible[/i itself, death and disease were created by god.
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| Quote: Mintball "In other words, according to the [iBible[/i itself, death and disease were created by god.'"
God's righteous and just reaction to rebellion.
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| Quote: kirkstaller "... You are working for Satan. Don't tempt me.'"
Oooooooooo! "Don't tempt" you what, scary man?
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| Quote: kirkstaller "God's righteous and just reaction to rebellion.'"
Which, since he created everything (according to the [iBible[/i), then "rebellion" was also created by him – unless the [iBible[/i was telling porkies, of course ...