Quote: "
Genuine question. When you were in school, what parts of BRITISH history were you taught?
That link takes you to the A-level History syllabus.....not a mention of any of the colonisation of the planet and the rape and pillage by Britain on which the upper class wealth of the likes of Boris was built....plenty about Napoleon (we beat him), the Americans (they kept slaves), German aggression and loads of other stuff where Britain is GREAT.........the reality is that you've been spoon-fed a history that the upper classes want you to know, not the reality.'"
Erm, did you even read your own link?
• Why, and with what results, was there a growth in imperial expansion during the last quarter of the nineteenth century?
• Reasons for imperial expansion in the late nineteenth century
• The ‘scramble’ for Africa; Treaty of Berlin (1885)
• An entire topicMy 6 years of secondary education cost more than your average 2 up 2 down house in Northern Britain and I can claim to have received more "steps up" than most, but I was educated in a country that believed in ALL TRUTHS being told, not just the convenient ones. It would seem spoon feeding the lower classes stories of Otto Von Bismark with his pointy hat or the really short 5"11" Napoleon (both who you defeated) are more important that the stuff that mattered.....like why Israel is so hated by the Arabs (british thing), why India and Pakistan are at war (British Thing), why Hong Kong residents are rioting (British Thing), why Hitler rose to prominence so quickly after WWI (british thing)....oh, and who transported most of those african slaves that caused the US civil war.....yep, A british thing too. None of this is taught to your kids......why do you think that is?'"